Jun 27, 2023

Climate change is one of the biggest challenges that we face in the modern world. The effects of global warming are becoming more and more apparent, and insurers are starting to take notice.

Why are insurers pulling back?

Insurers are pulling back from certain areas because they are facing increased risks as a result of climate change. For example, areas that are prone to flooding or wildfires are becoming more dangerous, and insurers are finding it harder to provide coverage for these risks.


One of the main reasons that insurers are pulling back is because they are facing increased costs. As the frequency and severity of natural disasters increases, insurers are having to pay out more money for claims. This means that they are less able to provide coverage in areas that are at high risk of these events.

climate change

Why is DefendRight different?

DefendRight is a company that specializes in providing coverage for areas that are at high risk of natural disasters. They are able to do this because they have a unique approach to risk management.

DefendRight's approach to risk management

DefendRight uses a combination of data analytics and on-the-ground assessments to determine the level of risk in a particular area. This allows them to provide coverage in areas that other insurers might consider too risky.

DefendRight's commitment to sustainability

DefendRight is also committed to sustainability. They understand that climate change is a serious issue, and they are doing their part to reduce their impact on the environment. This includes using renewable energy sources and reducing their carbon footprint.


Climate change is a serious issue that is affecting the insurance industry in a number of ways. While many insurers are pulling back from high-risk areas, DefendRight is taking a different approach. By using a combination of data analytics and on-the-ground assessments, they are able to provide coverage in areas that other insurers might consider too risky. And with their commitment to sustainability, they are doing their part to address the issue of climate change.
